Monday, May 20, 2013

Time to Act

We’ve talked about becoming better by realizing we each live with a circle of influence and a circle of concern. We then learned to have the drive to change we must find our own burning platform. What drives you to change, to grow and be different than we are today? Hopefully, you find your motivation to become be A tter people and work to make a difference in our nation, our work and our families.
We live in difficult times in our nation. We can and should look at our problems as being caused by two different reasons. First, if you’re a God loving person you understand that as a nation, as a people in this nation of America, we have collectively turned our backs on God. The second and equally important reason, which even people who reject God should see, is that we have turned our backs on the principles that made this nation exceptional for many years. Both of these reasons spell doom for America.
How serious is our situation? Why is it time to act? Lets briefly look at three recent headlines reflecting the changing values in leadership.

  1. Benghazi: Whether help could have arrived in time is irrelevant, it wasn’t sent. This has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with character. In the recent hearings before Congress it is clear our leaders lied to us on a jugular issue. Truth no longer matters. That is unacceptable.
  2. IRS is used to spy on groups opposed to our President: Will we ever know how widespread this is? Probably not. Again, forget politics, our leaders used a government agency to put pressure on opponents. Our leaders acted deceitfully and another recent example of a lack of character. That is unacceptable.
  3. Government seizes records from the Associated Press: Will this be brushed under the rug? Probably. But do not miss the implication here. The first amendment addresses freedom of speech in our country. When the government seizes the records of the press regarding leaks that were unfavorable to the President, that speaks of power and privilege beyond what our founding fathers envisioned.

So what does this have to do with our becoming better people? Everything. The time is now to work in your circle of influence being driven by the biggest burning platform of all, America’s impending demise. We need to be people of character even if our President, his aides and most of Congress aren’t men and women of character. If we believe America to be the greatest nation on earth, founded on doing right, founded on the principles of honesty and integrity, then it is time we act in a way everyone can see it.
There are a few simple things I believe would help and they’re all well within your circle of influence.

  1. If you’re a religious person then live your religion starting right now. Make sure if believe in God and/or His Son Jesus Christ there is enough evidence in your life to prove it.
  2. If you fall in the category above then make sure you pray to your God morning and night. Not only for your families but for your country.
  3. When you see events happen like i described above that you speak up. With the Internet today it is easy to write Congress, your representatives in both the House and the Senate. Also, write your Governor. The key to our better future in this country, if there is one, will be found at the state level not the federal level.

Three simple things we can all do everyday. If you have no interest or think you have no time, then its simple, you’re part of the problem and not part of the solution. The time to act is now. Every single day we drift further out in the sea of oblivion. We may not be able to turn the tide and return the ship called America to port ... but we’ll never know unless we try.

For a better tomorrow ...

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