Monday, June 3, 2013

What We Do Everyday is What We Believe, All the Rest is Just Talk

        Think about that statement. What we do everyday is what we believe, all the rest is just talk. What does that mean to you? What we do, our actions each and every day is what we truly believe. We can say what we want, but what we do is who we are.
Think about it this way. Imagine two circles. In your mind or on paper label one, words and the other, deeds. Our words are what we say we believe. We all say a lot. We love America, we’re Christians, Catholics, Jews, Atheists, Goths, we love our kids, our spouse, you name it. We tell people that is what or who we are. All those things go in the circle you labelled ‘words’.
Now each day we get up in the morning and we take action. We get up, interact with our household, go to work or school, come home, more interactions, recreation and we go to bed. All the actions you took that day comprise your behavior and result in what we’ll call your deeds. What you do everyday, your behavior, is your deeds. They go in the circle you labelled ‘deeds’.
Now you have two circles. One full of your words, the other full of your deeds. Your circle full of words is what you say you believe and probably intend, plan or would like to believe. The other circle, your deeds, are what you actually do everyday and when you act on something that is what you believe.
As you look at your circles how big is the gap? The gap is the difference between what you say you believe, your words, and what you actually believe, your deeds. How can we become better people? By bringing our circles together to the point that we have only one circle. When you look down at them they are one. When you do, your a person of integrity.
Apply the look in the mirror test. Think through one day in your life. What goes in the circle for words; what goes in the circle of deeds. Be honest. Look in the mirror and decide how far apart your circles currently are and make a commitment, day by day, to become a person of integrity. Become a person where your circles get closer and closer, your words and deeds are coming together, and one day, they’ll come closer and closer.
As you embark on this journey think it through. Lets look at a few examples. Say you call yourself a Christian. Do you have a church? If not why not? Don’t deal in excuses, deal in reality. Be who you say you are? There’s an old adage, ‘If you were accused of being a Christian would there be enough evidence to prove it?’ Think about that. It applies to whatever you say you are.
Most people are employed, they have a job. That makes you an employee. Your paid to deliver a result everyday that makes your employer better, makes them money. If they make money they keep paying you and grow. Does your performance at work match what you tell your boss. Or do you spend time away from the boss talking trash about them or the company.
Words and deeds. We say, we do and then we should look in the mirror and decide. How did we do? Words and deeds. Make them match.

For a better tomorrow ...

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