Mahatma Gandhi once said, "We must be the change we wish to see in the world". Never has that statement been more true than it is for us living in America today. As we look around we see an America most of us aren't happy with and don't recognize. And if you're like me, you've spent a lot of time complaining about what 'they' are doing to my country.
Here's the big news ... there are no 'they' only each of us. We say God has been taken from America, He is no longer allowed in our schools and court rooms and public places. We have to look in the mirror and ask ourselves where we were while that was happening? Were we being the change we say we want in our country? Were we protecting that which we say is so important to us? Were we walking our talk or were we just talking the talk?
As we start this journey towards becoming better people we need to know that the only one responsible for our actions is the person looking back at us in the mirror. If we're going to become better people and follow God and help our great nation it begins with each of us, as individuals. It begins with us 'being' the world we wish to see.

When we are upset with our Congress, remember we elected them, for years in most cases. When we are upset with our local school board we elected them. If you didn't vote through the years then look in the mirror. If we go to church for the social aspect and say we get nothing out of it, look in the mirror. The late Stephen Covey taught a powerful principle. He said, 'you cannot talk yourself out of a problem you behaved yourself into'. We must behave ourselves out of this problem. As we become better people, living and standing for common values, we will have a better country.
When Gandhi said, "Be the change you wish to see in the world" I think he was talking about behavior. Because anytime you think the problem is out 'there', that very thought is the problem. Gandhi did not say 'they' are causing the problem. He was a man who lived what he said and ended up giving his life for what he believed. He was committed. Our founding fathers and pioneers were committed. If we are going to be the positive change America needs we will have to be committed to 'being' the change we say we want to see in the world. There is no other way.
For a better tomorrow ...
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